Cheiloscopic patterns in Indian population and their efficacy in sex determination: A randomized cross-sectional study


  • Rachna Kaul Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Shreenivasa Padmashree Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Padar Shilpa Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Nishat Sultana Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Suraksha Bhat Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka



Background: Cheiloscopy or the study of lip prints is an important tool in forensic dentistry which is gaining popularity in current times. Not only has it proven effective in identification of individuals, but its role in sex determination has also been investigated. There are six different types of cheiloscopic/lip print patterns according to Tsuchihashi. Aims: The present study was conducted to find the prevalence of cheiloscopic/lip print pattern in 755 individuals and also to assess their efficacy in sex determination. Materials and Methods: According to classification by Tsuchihashi, the lip prints were analysed. Sex determination using lip print was done by method given by Vahanwala et al. Results: It was found that Type I was the most prevalent cheiloscopic pattern. Based on the method of sex determination using lip prints by Vahanwala et al., the percentage of individuals correctly identified was less. Conclusion: Although cheiloscopy holds promise as a supplementary tool along with other modes to recognize the sex of an individual, there is need for further studies using standardized methods to evaluate the same in larger population sizes.


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How to Cite

Rachna Kaul, Shreenivasa Padmashree, Padar Shilpa, Nishat Sultana, & Suraksha Bhat. (2015). Cheiloscopic patterns in Indian population and their efficacy in sex determination: A randomized cross-sectional study. Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences, 7(2), 101–106.