Histological appearance of postmortem pink teeth: Report of two cases


  • B Charan Gowda Department of Oral Pathology, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Tumkur, Karnataka
  • B Sivapathasundharam Department of Oral Pathology, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Tumkur, Karnataka
  • Ananjan Chatterji Department of Oral Pathology, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Tumkur, Karnataka
  • B Chatterji Department of Oral Pathology, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Tumkur, Karnataka




Drowning, hemoglobin, porphyrins, postmortem pink teeth


This article presents images and histological changes in the dentin of two cases involving posmortem pink teeth. Postmortem pink teeth were noted among two deceased male individuals. Pink teeth were noted during autopsy examination after twelve days in one corpse, and eight days following death in the second case. During the examination decomposition and putrefaction of the body was noted. Cause of death was drowning in one case and haemorrhages and shock in another. A central incisor tooth was obtained from each body. Both teeth exhibited a pink appearance and the intensity was more pronounced in the cervical region. Although pink teeth can be noted in death due to asphyxia, carbon monoxide poisoning and so on, it is necessary to study the exact role behind the appearance of pink teeth and try to incorporate the finding medico legally.


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How to Cite

B Charan Gowda, B Sivapathasundharam, Ananjan Chatterji, & B Chatterji. (2015). Histological appearance of postmortem pink teeth: Report of two cases. Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences, 7(2), 168–170. https://doi.org/10.4103/0975-1475.156200



Case Report